This year was going wonderfully until the pandemic hit, “who would have ever thought this?” A phrase we’ve said time-and-time again, over the past few weeks.
A phrase, by itself, just another platitude. Today, however, we find ourselves in a Brave New World, where these platitudes have greater significance with life or death implications.
The sudden emergence of COVID-19 has brought a surge of camaraderie in the way we live our lives and the way we speak.
- Who would have thought, “We’re all in it together?
- Who would have ever thought, “We’ll get through this?”
- Who would have ever thought, “Stay Home, Stay Safe, Save Lives?”
- Who would have ever thought, “We’ll be here when this is all done?”
- Who would have thought?
The Top Search Results in order:
1. We’re all in it together.
Note: I searched, “In it together,” but close enough

2. We’ll get through this.
3. Stay Home, Stay Safe, Save Lives.
NOTE: I split up the search.
a. Stay Home
b. Stay Safe
c. Save Lives
4. Who would have thought.
5. We’ll be here when this is all done.
Note: I searched, “be here when this is all done”
Disclaimer: I understand this is not a direct search amount and by splitting up the phrases into smaller “keywords” can possibly skewing the data. I felt the “split phrases” is a close enough relevance to provide a directional trend, which is the point of this exercise.